Sunday, December 28, 2008

What Are the Qualities of a Good Mentor?

Entrepreneurs who succeed in business on their own are few. If you are not one of them, (and you would not be reading this if you were), you should not consider that to be some kind of personal defect. You are just like everybody else who needs a good mentor in order to succeed. Millions of people try their hand at starting their own business, and only a handful actually makes it. Why is this? A shortage of good mentors is one of the most likely causes underlying this phenomenon.

There are many mentors out there, but there are few really good ones. In order to find one, you need to know what to look for.

Who is a good mentor? A person who:

1. takes a personal interest in you and in your success both because he or she wants you to succeed and because your success also means his or her success.

2. knows the business very well and is successful in it.

3. is skilled at teaching others what he or she knows and is willing to do that.

4. is capable of perceiving your strongest qualities and can motivate you to utilize them to the best of your ability.

5. is capable of keeping you inspired through the initial difficulties of starting the business

6. is available and accessible (The importance of this cannot be overemphasized!)

7. is interested in you as a whole person, in what is going on in your life outside the business, so that he or she could better understand how you function within the business.

8. is well respected in the whole organization.

9. values the initiatives and the opinions of others even if they are less experienced.
10. demonstrates a positive attitude and acts like a role model.

Success in business is just a side product of the supportive, respectful, honest, and diligent cooperation, in which the expertise of the mentor and the willingness and the ability of the mentee come together and create a visible outcome. When the common interest is combined with the mutual support and respect -success is inevitable.

A good mentor often becomes a cherished and respected friend. Who wouldn't cherish a person who has taught them how to run a business successfully? Who wouldn't work for someone who has his success at heart? Who wouldn't appreciate a person who has mentored him or her into financial independence?

Finding one is, therefore, one of the most important of all the factors that contribute to a successful business venture. No effort should be spared in making sure that your money, time, and energy are invested in a business that involves the highest quality of support. That, more than anything else, makes your success in business inevitable.

-Ranka Mulkern

Monday, November 24, 2008

Spiritual Coaching - Will it Go 'Round in Circles?

Let's start with cause and effect.

The Law performs according to its nature, and it never disagrees with us about whatever we vibrate. Vibrate is a key word. We can affirm as much as we like, but if we have even the smallest portion of doubt, we will not manifest the experience we desire fully and maybe not at all. Why? because the Law's nature is to match what we vibrate.

When we find ourselves experiencing certain circumstances we don't like or we wish to change, we tend to focus on the circumstance. Maybe you've heard yourself say a variety of things, to yourself or others like, "I Have Got to Change This!" The act of making a statement in this way or about any condition in our life, repeating it to ourselves and/or saying it to others . . . makes the circumstance more and more like a tangible (real) thing rather than an experience . . . an effect that resulted from a cause. (Note: I'm not saying don't vent. I'm not saying deny what you feel. I am saying it's better to speak with someone who will support you properly and productively rather than join you in a pity party or repeat your "bad luck" to everyone they can think of.)

The more you perceive a circumstance as a real thing, the more life force you give it to remain in your life (so does everyone who thinks or talks about your "condition" as real). What might happen if you perceive a current condition in your life as an experience rather than a solid thing? What might happen if you ask what you can learn and how you can grow from this experience? What might happen if you write down what you prefer and ask what you might need to do to cause it into your reality?

Ask is another key word. A lot of us were told not to ask for much, not to expect much. I could go on and on about belief statements about such things. I have a surprise for you: Spirit/God/Universe/(Your Favorite Word) wants us to ask.

It's easy, because of what the world tells us is "real," to feel we're doing everything and/or doing it alone. That's impossible because Spirit is with us always and in all ways. Do you need, say, $5,000 to take care of something? Affirmation aficionados would tell us to write and affirm aloud many times a day, "I have $5,000." Ever tried that one? Why is it generally ineffective for so many?

For one thing, such a statement doesn't really engage Law of Attraction. What are we to do? How about, "Spirit, I ask that you show me how to obtain $5,000 by (date). I ask you to open me to receiving it, open me to entrusting you with the how yet taking any action you inspire me to take. I ask you to show me how to open myself to new possibilities. I ask for this or something even better."

Through such statements, you've asked for what you want or need; you've reminded yourself that Spirit is your eternal partner in all matters; you've released how fulfillment can or might happen by entrusting Spirit with the how (Spirit is a Master with the How); you've agreed to take action when inspired to do so (rather than running amok); you've agreed to trust rather than fear or doubt; and you don't impose a limit on Spirit to provide even more or something even better.

When you hold as your condition that you will be shown what to do rather than a perceived lack or limitation, Law has to obey . . . because its nature is to (say it with me) match your vibrations always and in all ways. You can apply this to money, health, love, career, and any and every matter in your life.

If you have an experience, you can bet you hold a vibration that supports it.

-Joyce Shafer

Monday, September 15, 2008

Great Tips on How to Be Rich

Being rich can be accounted for on various terms. Some people may feel rich if they are surrounded by their family or close relatives. Others count richness based in the number of their friends or fullness of heart due to service rendered for the good of humanity.

Still, one of the most sought-after richness is often that which is measurable in terms of monetary or property value.

People can be rich through various ways and means. What one needs to look out for is his or her interest, and then find ways of earning through such interest so as not to feel the burden and stress of raising funds.

Below are some tips on how to get rich:

1. Invest in stocks. Though stocks are highly unstable, an individual should have the necessary knack for determining when to sell and when to purchase the right number of stocks.

Entailing the services of a broker might be a good idea, though a conservative one is still sometimes the best choice since a chancy broker, though he or she might give you a fortune on a surge in certain stocks, might be too much of a risk.

2. Buy and sell. Individuals who have large amounts of capital engage in buying and selling of real estates or houses, with the intention of reselling it after its value has increased.

Value may increase due to renovations and repairs (if it is a house) or improvements on the area (for estates).

For individuals who have full-time jobs, he or she may sell small items to earn extra cash.

Earning is not the end-all and be-all of being rich. One has to learn and take into consideration the following information to be able to retain such earnings.

1. Live simply. The common downfall of most people who experience a sudden upward surge in their income is to uplift their cost of living. This may be in the form of acquiring a larger house, a trendy and costly mobile phone, new cars or new appliances.

Though at first glance this may look like a one-time purchase or flow-out of money, others costs or probable expenses are hidden in the form of maintenance expense (gasoline for all the newly-acquired cars), repairs (larger houses entails larger amount of money needed for probable repairs) and larger bills (utility bills for the large house or housecleaning services).

2. Saving. If an individual saves at least 20% of his or her monthly earnings, and invests the same on mutual funds or other investment vehicles that offer higher interest rates as compared to savings account interest on some banks, he or she would be guaranteed a fair amount of money saved for future use.

3. Recycle. Items that currently have no more value or use to the owner might be of something good to someone else.

Hold garage sales to discard items that occupy space and clutter the home. Not only would this clear the house, but this would give an individual extra cash from which he or she may add to their savings account or use as additional capital for whatever investment he or she would like to engage in.

Still, richness can only be truly felt when an individual has the feeling of being satisfied with everything that he or she has. This is the shortest way to the path to richness.

Daegan Smith Is And Expert Online Marketer
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Daegan Smith - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

6 Things My Millionaire Mentor Taught Me

There will be 10 million NEW millionaires over the next 10 years according to Paul Zane Pilzer our nation's foremost economist and financial forecaster. So the life changing question is , "Will you be one of them?" Earning millions of dollars no longer has to be ONLY a dream; it can be your reality.

Many people are cashing in on today's truths. And so am I. I have the privilege of mentorship and exposure to one of the greatest wealth coaches. My millionaire mentor Myron Golden has not only taught me life changing principles he has shown me how to implement them. If you are ready to be the next millionaire then take a further read.

1. Start changing the way you think. Your mind generates wealth or poverty. As my millionaire mentor says "Poor people are not poor because they have no money, poor people are poor because they are (mentality) poor."

2. Understand how money works. If you do not understand financial principles, then those principles are being used against you by people who do understand them. Lack of knowledge about how most financial principles work will keep you in poverty.

3. Manage your money as a millionaire. A money management system is an important factor in becoming rich. Don't wait to become rich to start managing your money-start now with Myron's CAN system.

4. Stop trading time for money. The reason people work for money is because they believe time is money. Millionaires know that time is not money. You can always get more money; but you can't always get more time.

5. Find a business that is hands free. Passive and residual money is an ultimate avenue to becoming a millionaire. Millionaires own business systems. They let their business give them time and money freedom.

6. Find a treasure guide who has already found the treasure. Take financial advice from people who are millionaires. Find a guide who has already found the millionaire treasure, allow him or her to take you by the hand and lead you to where it is.

The next millionaires are in progress because millionaire coaches are leading them. The coaches are not just limited to mentorship they can become friends.

A recent survey conducted determined your income is the average of your friends' income. Isn't time to get some new friends? Myron Golden is the author of "From The Trash Man To The Cash Man: How Anyone Can Get Rich Starting From Anywhere

Vanessa Lewis is a mom-preneur empowering stay-at-home-moms to live out their entrepreneurial dreams.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to Effectively Use Business Mentoring

If you are running a small business and you get frustrated when things seem to be going wrong you're not alone. Every successful businessperson experiences some level of frustration. The distinction between successful business owners and those that continually struggle is the way they handle their frustration.

One way to handle the frustration is with the guidance of a business mentor. A business mentor is a person who is there to listen to your thoughts and ideas, and then give you insight from personal and business experience.

However, do not think that having a business mentor means a sounding board to air your frustration. It is much more than this. A business mentor will give you advice; as the relationship progresses, you will learn to trust each other; and you will develop a sort of partnership and friendship.

You should not underestimate business mentoring. It can help you in many ways. One of the most important is knowing that you can turn to your mentor for advice during difficult situations and you can be sure to get an honest opinion. If you have any ideas, you can brainstorm with your mentor. He or she will listen to you and give you advice based on their past business experiences.

When you are faced with a critical business decision, your business mentor can be a lifesaver. Usually your mentor will look at issues from a different angel than you. This enables them to guide you so that you make the right decision. The fact that you talk to your mentor will ease the stress and strain that comes with running a business. In addition, your mentor may introduce you to many of his or her contacts, which will go a long way in further strengthening and developing your business.

You can tap into the vast reservoir of experience and knowledge that you business mentor has, and then use it intelligently in your business. There are so many benefits to having a business mentor that once you have one, you will be wondering how you managed so long without a mentor.

To find out more about creating a successful business go to to access the free eBook, Build a Multi-Million Dollar Business.

Joe Capista - EzineArticles Expert Author

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Best Reason for Learning How To Become A Millionaire

Why should you strive to learn how to become a millionaire?

Why should you develop the millionaire mindset?

For money? For attention?

Well here's a powerful reason that's worth your
time to consider....

You see, in a recent interview with multi-millionaire
Jim Rohn (Anthony Robbins' original mentor) he
mentioned what he feels is the best reason for
learning how to become a millionaire.

Here's what Jim Rohn said in the interview...

"Set a goal to become a millionaire for what it makes
of you to achieve it."

Then Jim Rohn went on to talk about his own mentor.
A man with a true millionaire mindset.

Jim continued...

"My own mentor, Mr. Schoaff, had an interesting way
of teaching it. When I was 25 years old he said to me,
'I suggest, Jim, that you set a goal to become a
millionaire.' I was all intrigued by that. You know,
it's got a nice ring to it - millionaire.

Then Mr. Shoaff said, 'Here's why.'

"I thought to myself, 'gosh, he doesn't need to teach
me why. Wouldn't it be great to have a million dollars?'

Then Shoaff said, "No. Then you'll never acquire it.
Instead, set a goal to become millionaire for what it
makes of you to achieve it."

"Do it for the skills you have to learn and the person
you have to become. Do it for what you'll end up
knowing about the marketplace. What you'll learn about
the management of time and working with people. Do it
for the ability of discovering how to keep your ego in
check. For what you have to learn about being benevolent.
Being kind as well as being strong. What you have to
learn about society and business and government and
taxes and becoming an accomplished person to reach the
status of millionaire."

"All that you have learned and all that you've become
to reach the status of millionaire is what's valuable.
Not the million dollars."

Jim Rohn mentioned a bunch of amazing things during this
interview. But, this lesson really stands out as advice
we should all follow.

In fact, Jim Rohn wasn't the only millionaire who agrees
with the power of this lesson. Chicken Soup for the Soul
co-author, Jack Canfield gave the same lesson in an
interview with him.

Jack said, "It doesn't make a lot of difference to become
a millionaire. I've done that many times over and I can
tell you that it's nice to have a house and a car that
doesn't fall apart and all that."

"But, what's more important is who did I have to become
in order to become a millionaire?"

"I had to learn how to overcome my fears. I had to learn
how to talk in front of groups. I had to learn how to
plan a speech. I had to learn how to ask people I was
initially afraid of to loan me money, etc."

"All of that was scary. But, when I did it and survived
it, I was no longer afraid to do it in the future. Now
you can take away my house, my money, my car and
everything, and it wouldn't matter. I know how to create
more of those things because of who I've become NOT what
I possess."

The powerful lessons taught by the millionaires in these
interviews is priceless.

Jason Oman is the author of #1 best-selling Conversations with Millionaires. As well as being the President of Money Systems Technologies, a marketing firm that focuses on book marketing, author publicity and writing resources. Jason is an author's strategist specializing in helping clients achieve their goals of becoming a best selling author. For more information and free book writing secrets, sign up for Jason's newsletter at Get information on Jason's next best seller at

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finding A Millionaire Mentor To Help You Achieve Financial Independence

In order to reach ratified air and become a millionaire, I highly recommend you find yourself a millionaire mentor. Don not beat around the bush trying to find ways to become wealthy, instead find a millionaire mentor.

Where do you find a millionaire mentor? Great question and I will address your important question.

One of the best ways to find a millionaire mentor is to take the direct approach. Identify someone in your sphere of influence and or local community, call them and ask to take them to lunch or to have a cup of coffee.

Perhaps you will contact a entrepreneur, doctor, lawyer, investment analyst, banker, or a CEO of a company. The bottom line is, there are a lot of millionaires and you simply have to take the initiative to schedule a meeting to network with and request they mentor you. It is understood it takes a team to become a millionaire. Ensure the first team member is a millionaire. Why?

Where are you trying to get to? Millionaire status is the correct answer.

There is no better way to become a millionaire than being mentored by one, because they have been where you are trying to go. What do you request of the millionaire mentor? After the millionaire accepts your request for mentorship, simply learn everything you can about being a millionaire. Take into consideration your values should align with your mentor and if they do not, I highly recommend you find a millionaire with similar values.

One of the first things you will learn about millionaires is they think differently. In other words, they thoroughly enjoy being rich and do not allow triviality to get in the way of what they are trying to achieve.

Limitations, setbacks and the quicksand of life are mere momentary obstacles waiting to be overcome by persistence and perseverance. The key consideration to keep in mind is how millionaires think.

Millionaires who lose all of their money know how to become millionaires again and again because they know how to do it. Millionaires have the knowledge, wisdom, and skills to get knocked down financially and get back up to reclaim what it meant for them.

Make no mistake about it, your quickest path to wealth is finding a millionaire with similar values as yours and learning everything you can learn from them. You will get to the next level of your financial independence by finding a millionaire mentor.

Paul Lawrence Van is Founder and CEO of the Wealth Building Academy. His company delivers world class training, workshops, boot camps and consulting to individuals and organizations. Wealth Building Academy staff host grant training, pre-foreclosure workshops, public speaking and authorship seminars for people who want to make a lot of money. Paul is host of The Wealthy Speaker Radio Show.

To learn more call (800) 476-8976

Paul Vann - EzineArticles Expert Author

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Internet Millionaire - Do It With a Mentor

A mentor plays a great role in the success of internet marketing. A mentor is an expert with thorough knowledge, reputation and skills of internet marketing, and gives continuous support, information and feedback. To become an internet millionaire, a person requires the help of a mentor who can give the proper assistance.

An internet marketing mentor with good reputation in marketing field can help beginners in many ways. A mentor prevents the wastage of time and money, and brings out good reputation of the marketer. A beginner can avoid mistakes with the help of vast experienced mentor.

Mentors are already aware of the experts in the field, who can give suggestions to build up the business. They will give information on good web programmer, auto responder firm and the best payment processor. All these correspondents bring out great money on the way.

Selecting a Mentor:

A person has to make thorough study on the mentor before making the selection process. There are many frauds as well as real mentors around. A marketing mentor works as a personal guide. Consult a large number of mentors and ensure their knowledge on the topic, before selecting. Find the best among them and start the work.

Ensure about the time that a mentor can spend a day to make things faster. The availability of a mentor is an important factor in the success of online marketing. Mentors follow up constantly to avoid mistakes in marketing. Select a mentor, who can serve a marketer at any point of time.

Every business has some hidden secrets or principles. The so called mentors are generally uninterested to discuss with you or public. Some times, these secrets can help you to succeed. However, the main goal is to find an ideal person, who can explain these hidden secrets.

To be honest, it is not so easy to find a right mentor. If any individual succeeds in finding a mentor, then stick with him and follow his actions. It is beneficial to participate in seminars to find information about the mentors.

Mentor Behavioral:

The behavior of the mentor towards the client also determines the success of the marketing process. Select a mentor, who fairly treats the clients. Some mentors provide free software, printable documents and support, until the course period ends.

Tally the course fee with several mentors and ensure about additional available courses. Thorough knowledge can help a person select the perfect mentor, who can bring out internet millionaires.

Gordon Garza is a professional Internet Marketer and Mentor. Working with entrepreneurs around the world. Visit Big TicketTo Wealth or GordonTheMentor to learn more.

Gordon Garza - EzineArticles Expert Author